Structure and gameplay wise most of the innovations on the old IE formula are good. The only true bad decision i think they made was to bind themselves on creating so many levels for Od Nua, I would have preferred to have a shorter Big Fucking Dungeon but a couple more smaller ones like Lle A Rhemen (the talking heads and spear one), or some work on the more empty areas (Pearlwood Bluff, i'm looking at you). I don't know if creating an entire setting from scratch instead of using something like Forgotten Realms was a decision forced by economical needs at the time of the kickstarter or simply a creative one but it paid off the focus on souls and these deities was very interesting to explore. Writing has always been one of Obsidian's strong point, but even the environments (gorgeous, but i'm obviously a sucker for the IE style) did a fine job in transmitting the proper feeling (Gilded Vale being so bleak and dark informed me immediatly of how dire was the situation, for example). The setting and lore i liked quite a lot. So, i just finished the game and wantedto put do in writing some scattered thoughts and ask about yours.